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Deep Cleaning VS Periodontal Maintenance

June 3, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — canyoncreekfamilydentistry @ 4:03 am

Man having deep cleaning at dentist in Carrollton.Did you know tooth decay isn’t the only threat to your smile? Gum disease is equally devastating because it destroys the supporting structures of your teeth. You can prevent the infection through the proper oral hygiene habits and regular care from your dentist in Carrollton. Despite being avoidable, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates at least 50% of Americans have a form of it. If your dentist detects any sign of the infection, they’ll recommend scaling and root planing. You may even require periodontal maintenance. Although they are often believed to be one and the same, they are separate treatments. Here’s what you need to know about the procedures to restore your gum health.

What is Gum Disease?

Gum (periodontal) disease is an infection that occurs from bacteria found in plaque and tartar buildup. It’s caused by poor oral hygiene habits, like not flossing daily or skipping your preventive dental visits. If it’s left untreated, it can cause devastating consequences for your smile, like tooth loss; however, the infection can also enter your bloodstream, adversely affecting your general health. You’ll have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, respiratory infections, and diabetic complications.

What is Scaling and Root Planing?

If your dentist detects gum disease, the first steps to combating the infection are scaling and root planing. Better known as a deep cleaning, the two procedures can treat mild-to-moderate cases of periodontal disease.

Scaling uses special dental instruments to remove tartar accumulations above the gum line. After it’s removed, another instrument is used to smooth the root surfaces. This discourages plaque buildup while also encouraging your gum tissue to adhere to your teeth.

What is Periodontal Maintenance?

Periodontal maintenance (prophy) is often recommended after a deep cleaning to prevent bacteria from recolonizing under the gums. Your dentist may suggest the treatment 2-3 months after scaling and root planing. Your periodontal pocket depths are measured, and your gum health is assessed to ensure the infection is kept at bay. You may need more than one session every 3 months to maintain the integrity of your gum health.

Dentist Near Me for Periodontal Therapy

Don’t ignore the early warning signs of gum disease. If your tissue is red, swollen, or bleeds when brushing and flossing, contact your dentist right away to schedule your consultation for periodontal therapy. They’ll fight the infection to promote a healthy mouth and body.

About Dr. Afshin Azmoodeh

Dr. Azmeoodeh believed great dentistry is built on a relationship of trust. You’ll feel comfortable and relaxed when visiting our office because you’ll know your smile is in good hands. With the right care over the years, Dr. Azmoodeh can ensure your teeth and gums last for a lifetime. He works to prevent and treat the issues that can damage your smile, like periodontal disease. We offer the high-quality care you need to stop the infection. If you have signs of gum disease, contact our office today to schedule your consultation for a deep cleaning and periodontal maintenance.

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