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Delta Dental Dentist – Richardson

Learn More About the Benefits of Delta Dental

Dental insurance form

To maintain good oral health, you need to keep up an excellent oral hygiene routine at home. However, even if you are the most disciplined brusher and flosser in the world, there are still going to be places that you miss. That’s where your routine dental visits come in. Dental insurance is an excellent tool to make regular cleanings and checkups as well as restorative treatment fit into your budget. You can further maximize your benefits by choosing an in-network dentist. At Canyon Creek Family Dentistry of Richardson, we are happy to work directly with Delta Dental to help you save. Continue reading to learn more about your plan.

Delta Dental Coverage Availability & Fees

Coins next to a piggy bank

Every plan is a little bit different, but here is what a typical one may look like in terms of coverage:

The monthly premium that you agree to pay when you enroll in your Delta Dental plan gives you access to the coverage above. After you meet your deductible for the year, Delta Dental pays for a percentage of the cost of your treatment. This helps to lower your out-of-pocket costs until you reach your maximum. It is best to go over your plan in detail so that you don’t miss out on any of your benefits or savings for the year. Because we are in-network with Delta Dental, we have pre-negotiated fees to ensure that you are paying the lowest possible out-of-pocket cost.

Meet Anita

Dental insurance coordinator Anita

Dental insurance works much differently than the medical insurance that you are used to, so it can be confusing and difficult to navigate at first. That’s where our insurance coordinator, Anita, comes in. She knows all the ins and outs of dental insurance, can help you understand your plan, and will answer questions you have regarding your benefits. To learn more about dental insurance, give us a call!